$28 a month

Join one of thousands of gyms with no annual fees and no long-term contracts. Switch gyms or quit any time.

When you enroll, you’ll pay the first and second month’s fees. Then pay monthly fees one month in advance.

Save $28 with promo code STAYSTRONG!

Note: Premium gyms different pricing.

active fit



active fit screen shot


Free workout videos

Register for free access 12,000+ on-demand workout videos. Choose from a variety of class types including barre, cycle, HIIT, yoga, and more. Work out at home or on the go, on your schedule. 



No long-term contracts

Add or switch gyms or cancel your membership any time.

How it works

  • Enroll in Active & Fit Direct and choose your fitness center.
  • Pay the first and second month’s fees.
  • Get an ID card.
  • Pay monthly fees one month in advance.
  • Add or switch fitness centers or quit any time.


  • Pay $28 per month for standard fitness center (Choose from 12,200+ gyms)
  • Free to register and access 12,000+ workout videos.
  • Get a membership for your spouse or domestic partner.
  • Take advantage of one-on-one well-being coaching.
  • Get 20% –70% discounts at 5,600+ premium gyms.

You can also access the Active & Fit link through Care Plus Mobile Health.