Teammates can contribute pre-tax dollars every pay period to a Transportation Spending account (TSA) to cover parking and/or mass transit costs. If you want to suspend or change your TSA contribution, you can do so anytime through Workday. Changes are effective the first of the month following the effective date of the change in Workday.

Mass Transit TSA

Any benefits-eligible teammate who relies on methods other than their personal vehicle to commute to and from work may participate in the Mass Transit TSA. This benefit allows you to set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for transportation expenses (mass transit).

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Mass Transit TSA specifics

  • Participation in this plan is voluntary.
  • You're  eligible to participate if you are a regular (not temporary) teammate scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week. An eligible teammate may become a participant on their first day of employment.
  • You may contribute up to $315 to the Mass Transit TSA in 2024. 
  • Your contributions are made on a pre-tax basis through payroll deduction.
  • You may change your contribution amount at any time during the year through Workday (by choosing the Benefits icon and then Benefits under Change). Changes are effective the first of the month following the effective date of the change.
  • You may only access up to the balance in your Mass Transit TSA at the time an expense is incurred.
  • TSA balances roll over into following years as long as you work for TIH.

Mass Transit TSA expenses

For the Mass Transit TSA, you'll need to elect a semi-monthly contribution amount based on your anticipated mass transit commuter expenses. You may change this contribution amount at any time.

Qualified expenses

Qualified expenses that can be claimed through the Mass Transit TSA include:

  • Transit pass expenses: Money paid for passes, tokens, fare cards, vouchers, etc. when riding on mass transit (train, bus, subway, or ferry). This includes publicly-owned vehicles, as well as vehicles owned by someone in the business of transporting people for hire, as long as the vehicle seats six or more adults (excluding the driver).
  • Commuter highway vehicle (van pool) expenses: Money paid for rides in a commuter highway vehicle between your home and work. The vehicle must seat at least six adults (excluding the driver), and at least 80% of the mileage per year must be for transporting commuters between home and work or for trips where at least half of the seating is for work commuters.

Parking TSA

To determine your parking options and cost, ask your teammates or your manager at your location. To pay for parking for work, you can set up recurring payments with most parking facilities.

The Parking TSA allows teammates to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for parking at work. This benefit offers eligible teammates a way to save money and a system to organize and manage their parking payments.

If you do take advantage of a Transportation Spending Account, you can pay with your Benefit Access Visa Card or use another form of payment and get reimbursed.

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Parking TSA specifics

  • Participation in this plan is voluntary. 
  • You may contribute up to $315 to the Parking TSA in 2024. 
  • Your contributions are made on a pre-tax basis through semi-monthly payroll deductions.
  • You can change your contribution in Workday at any time: Click the Benefits icon, then click the Benefits link under Change. 
  • TSA balances roll over into following years as long as you work for TIH.
  • The Parking TSA can be used only to pay for parking recurring expenses at or near your work location.
  • It may also be used for parking at a mass transit facility. 

Benefit Access Visa Card claims notice

Please note that the Benefit Access Visa Card will be used for all tax-advantaged accounts: Health Care and Dependent Care Accounts (FSA), Limited Flexible Spending Accounts (LFSA), Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Transportation Spending Accounts (TSA). Failure to substantiate claims for any FSA account in the allotted time frame would result in your card being suspended for all accounts⁠—including transportation.