Peak Health Phases

Progression through Peak Health

As you work toward the realistic and attainable goals established with the Peak Health nurse, you can advance to new phases and earn higher medical credits. The program advocates individual accountability for healthy lifestyle behaviors and rewards you for your efforts. Credits are awarded for Phases 2-5.

To determine your phase, the Peak Health nurse will assess your health through a series of tests and compare your results to the program's medical standards. These tests include lab work results, body composition, blood pressure, cardiorespiratory fitness, and resting heart rate. 

The nurse also takes into consideration such factors as tobacco use, status and review of labs and age/gender exams, and progress toward goals, including follow-up with your medical provider if it's outlined as a goal. 

Your total score on the medical standards determines your overall health status, your Peak Health phase, how soon the nurse would like to meet with you again, and the medical credit you qualify for.

And your medical and phase information is protected. See how in this Notice Regarding Wellness Program (PDF)

Peak Health benefits calculator

See how much in medical credits you can earn in your 2024 pay.

Peak Health phase guide

Phase   Total score General health status Months until next visit Medical credit earned
1 Less than 35 High health risk 4 No
2 35-47 Moderate health risk 4 Yes
3 48-69 Low health risk 4 Yes
4 70-91 Healthy 8 Yes
5 92-100 Very healthy 12 Yes

The total score is comprised of these outcomes and actions:

Outcome / risk factor Criteria Rating Scoring range
Tobacco / nicotine use
  • Not using (never, or not in the last 12 months)
  • Health care provider has certified you’re medically unable to stop smoking
  • Enrolled in a stop-smoking program in last 12 months
  • Using a stop-smoking aide
  • Based on status of the criteria
-40 to 8
Cardiovascular fitness Results from modified version of YMCA Submaximal Cycle Ergometer Test (measures heart rate as exercise intensity increases) For age and gender:
  • Above average
  • Average
  • Below average
  • Poor
0 to 10
Body composition (body fat percentage or body mass index) Guidelines from American College of Sports Medicine and National Institutes of Health For age and gender:
  • Very low risk
  • Low risk
  • Moderate risk
  • High risk
  • Very high risk
0 to 12
Metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is defined as having any three of the following five risk factors. It’s associated with increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.
Based on guidelines from the American Heart Association. Each risk factor below is considered Each risk factor below is scored separately
Triglycerides Ideal value:
Less than 150 mg/dL
  • Ideal
  • High but taking meds or under provider supervision
  • High
0 to 14
HDL Ideal value:
  • Men - More than or equal to 40 mg/dL
  • Women - More than or equal to 50 mg/dL
  • Ideal
  • Low but taking meds or under provider supervision
  • Low
0 to 14
Blood pressure Ideal value:
Less than 130/85 mm HG
  • Within ideal range
  • High but taking meds or under provider supervision
  • High
0 to 14
Fasting glucose Ideal range: 65 - 99 mg/dL
  • Within ideal range
  • Pre-diabetic
  • High but taking meds or under provider supervision
  • High
0 to 14
Waist circumference Ideal:
  • Men – Less than 40 inches
  • Women – Less than 35 inches
  • Ideal
  • 2 inches out of range
  • More than 2 inches out of range
0 to 14
Up-to-date lab work Required blood tests
  • Up to date or not required
  • Less than six months overdue
  • More than six months overdue
-60 to 0
Up-to-date preventive health exams Screenings per age and gender
  • Up to date or not required
  • Less than six months overdue
  • More than six months overdue
-60 to 0
Status of any follow-up with physician for health issues
  • Complete or not required
  • Incomplete
-80 to 0

If your spouse or domestic partner is added to your medical coverage due to a Qualified Life Event Change after your assessment deadline, the spouse/domestic partner credit will be applied (if applicable based on your Peak Health Phase) starting the first paycheck of the month following their completion of the assessment.

If you're unable to participate in any of the health-related activities or achieve any of the health outcomes required to earn a medical credit, you may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation or an alternative standard. You may request a reasonable accommodation or an alternative standard by contacting a nurse at Peak Health at 252-237-5090. You also may request an alternative standard from your nurse during your appointment.

If your appointment is by phone, you're required to provide your biometrics during your call with the nurse, or you'll be dropped to Phase 1 and lose any medical credit that you'd qualify for otherwise.

Program details