New parent time off
If you prefer to take your parental time intermittently rather than as a leave of absence, you can use up to 400 hours of new parent time off (prorated for part-time benefits-eligible teammates) to bond with a newborn or a child you’re fostering or have adopted. You must use it within one year directly following the birth, adoption, or new foster arrangement. This benefit is designed to help the parent who did not give birth or take maternity leave or paternity leave.
In the event of multiple children (such as twins, or sibling adoptions) or multiple events (such as birth, adoption, foster placement), the maximum benefit is still 400 hours per calendar year per teammate.
You can’t use more than 400 hours (prorated for part-time benefits-eligible teammates) even if dividing the time between calendar years. Any new parent time off taken in the current calendar year for an event that occurred in the prior year will reduce the current year’s new parent time off balance.
For example, if you use 160 hours of new parent time off in December of last year to bond with your newborn, you may only use 240 hours of new parent time off in January of the current year to continue bonding with your newborn, leaving you with 160 hours of new parent time off to use if you have another event.
Unless required by law, parental time is not job protected time off when taken intermittently.
Record this time in Workday as “New Parent (Time Off).”